- Independent - Online students must be capable of learning independently. If you learn best through one-on-one conferences with your instructors, or if you like an instructor to walk you through assignments step-by-step, online classes are not the best choice for you.
- Disciplined - Because they don't have to attend class on a set schedule, it's easy for online students to put off work. However, deadlines are firm and late work is rarely accepted. A successful online student schedules time throughout the week to work on assignments and does not procrastinate.
- Organized - Online classes often involve more assignments than face-to-face classes. Online students must be able to retrieve resources quickly and remember deadlines. It's also important that students make back-ups of assignments just in case they encounter computer problems.
- Responsible - Like all students, online students are responsible for their own learning. Excuses for late or incomplete work are not accepted. If a student fails to participate for longer than two weeks, the student is not permitted to remain in that course.
- Resourceful - Because they're not on campus, online students must be able to use online resources to find answers to their questions. SCC works hard to serve the needs of all students, but you must first reach out to us. Online instructors are available via email or phone, but they will also appreciate it if you take the time to go back through all available resources to find some answers for yourself.
- Computer-Savvy - You don't have to be a computer expert to take online classes, but you should know how to perform basic operations and solve problems that may arise. Online students will depend on Moodle, WebAdvisor, and their college-assigned Gmail account throughout their time at SCC.