What is New Century Scholars?
The New Century Scholars program provides college preparation skills and last-dollar college tuition support to selected students in Jackson, Macon and Swain Counties. NCS targets “high potential” students and provides resources to help those students throughout middle school, high school and enrollment at the college. Students have the opportunity, through the NCS program, to achieve an Associates degree without worrying about the cost of tuition and fees.
What services are provided?
New Century Scholars is designed to improve college readiness, bolster student persistence toward high school graduation and increase the college going rate of local students. Students in the NCS program not only receive a tuition guarantee, but also receive extra support in their educational pursuits. Support may come in the form of specialized tutoring/counseling, job shadowing, visits to the college campus, and participation in special programs. Scholars involved in the program are expected to maintain their grades, remain drug and alcohol free and contribute a minimum of 10 hours of volunteer service to their community each year.
NCS Highlights
- The NCS program gives Southwestern Community and the public schools an opportunity to collaborate on behalf of student success in our region.
- School based selection committees meet annually to select rising 7th graders with high potential from the applicant pool.
- NCS provides guaranteed, last-dollar tuition assistance to pursue a degree at SCC.
- Students, parents, public schools and SCC sign agreements committing to specific standards/support.
- Community businesses, individuals and groups generously provide funding to induct new cohorts of New Century Scholars in our community.

For more information on the New Century Scholars program, contact Jessica Snow at j_snow@southwesterncc.edu or 828.339.4332.