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Associate in Arts - College Transfer


Is your ultimate goal a four-year degree? If so, Southwestern is the ideal place to get started. Stay close to home, thrive in our smaller classes and save lots of money over your first two years. Most individuals who complete this degree will be juniors when they transfer into the degree pathway and university of their choice.



You'll take in a robust collection of English, Humanities, Social Sciences, Natural Science and Mathematics courses so that you can primarily focus on your major upon transferring.



There is virtually no limit to your career prospects upon transferring to the four-year university of your choice!


Transfer Agreements Estimated Expenses


Click on title for course description. For your convenience, the following listing includes only credit hours for each course. For a comprehensive listing of classroom, lab and clinical hours for each course, click on this PDF.



English Composition6
Humanities/Fine Arts12
Social/Behavioral Science 12
Natural Science 8
Other Required Hours15


ENGLISH / COMPOSITION - Universal General Education Transfer Component (UGETC) - 6 Semester Hour Credits required

ENG111 Writing & Inquiry3
ENG112Writing & Research in the Disciplines3


HUMANITIES / FINE ARTS - UGETC - 12 Semester Hours Credit required 
Nine (9) credit hours from the following. Select from at least two different disciplines. 

ART111Art Appreciation3
ART114Art History Survey I3
ART115Art History Survey II3
COM231Public Speaking3
ENG231American Literature I3
ENG232American Literature II3
ENG241British Literature I3
ENG242British Literature II3
MUS110Music Appreciation3
MUS112Introduction to Jazz3
PHI215Philosophical Issues3
PHI240Introduction to Ethics3
Choose 3 credits from previous humanities or the following: 
ASL111Elementary ASL I3
ASL112Elementary ASL II3
COM120Intro Interpersonal Communication3
COM140Intro to Intercultural Communication3
GER111Elementary German I3
GER112Elementary German II3
HUM110Technology and Society3
HUM115Critical Thinking3
HUM121The Nature of America3
HUM122Southern Culture3
HUM130Myth in Human Culture3
HUM160Introduction to Film3
REL111Eastern Religions3
REL112Western Religions3
SPA111Elementary Spanish I3
SPA112Elementary Spanish II3


SOCIAL / BEHAVIORAL SCIENCE -  UGETC - 12 Semester Hour Credits required 
Select nine (9) credit hours from at least two different disciplines: 

ECO251Principles of Microeconomics3
ECO252Principles of Macroeconomics3
HIS111World Civilizations I3
HIS112World Civilizations II3
HIS131American History I3
HIS132American History II3
POL120American Government3
PSY150General Psychology3
SOC210Introduction to Sociology3
Choose 3 credits from previous Social Behavior Sciences or the following: 
HIS121Western Civilization I3
HIS122Western Civilization II3
PSY150General Psychology3
PSY237Social Psychology3
PSY241Developmental Psychology3
PSY281Abnormal Psychology3
SOC213Sociology of the Family3
SOC220Social Problems3
SOC225Social Diversity3


NATURAL SCIENCE - UGETC - (8) Semester Hour Credits required 
Select 4 credit hours from the following:

AST111Descriptive Astronomy3
AST111ADescriptive Astronomy Lab1
BIO110Principles of Biology*4
BIO111General Biology I*4
CHM151General Chemistry I4
PHY110Conceptual Physics3
PHY110AConceptual Physics Lab1
Choose 4 credits from the following: 
AST111Descriptive Astronomy3
AST111ADescriptive Astronomy Lab1
BIO110Principles of Biology*4
BIO111General Biology I*4
BIO112General Biology II4
BIO120Introductory Botany4
BIO130Introductory Zoology4
BIO140Environmental Biology3
BIO140AEnvironmental Biology Lab1
CHM152General Chemistry II4
PHY110Conceptual Physics3
PHY110AConceptual Physics Lab1
PHY151College Physics I4

*Students may not apply both BIO 110 and BIO 111 towards completion of Arts and Sciences Natural Science requirement.


Mathematics - UGETC - (7) Semester Hour Credits 

MAT143Quantitative Literacy3
Choose 4 credits from the following: 
MAT152Statistical Methods I4
MAT171Precalculus Algebra4
MAT172Precalculus Trigonometry4
MAT271Calculus I4
Required Course: 
ACA122College Transfer Success1

Choose 14 Additional hours of transferrable courses focused on future major and closely related areas. Students should check physical education/health and foreign language requirements at the university they plan to attend.

ACC120Principles of Accounting I4
ACC121Principles of Accounting II4
ART111Art Appreciation3
ART114Art History Survey I3
ART115Art History Survey II3
ART121Two-Dimensional Design3
ART122Three-Dimensional Design3
ART131Drawing I3
ART132Drawing II3
ART214Portfolio & Resume1
ART240Painting I3
ART241Painting II3
ART264Digital Photography3
ART281Sculpture I3
ART282Sculpture II3
ART283Ceramics I3
ART284Ceramics II3
AST111Descriptive Astronomy3
AST111ADescriptive Astronomy Lab1
BIO110Principles of Biology4
BIO111General Biology I*4
BIO112General Biology II4
BIO120Introductory Botany4
BIO130Introductory Zoology4
BIO140Environmental Biology3
BIO140AEnvironmental Biology Lab1
BIO163Basic Anatomy and Physiology5
BIO168Anatomy and Physiology I4
BIO169Anatomy and Physiology II4
BIO175General Microbiology3
BUS110Introduction to Business3
BUS115Business Law I3
BUS137Principles of Management3
CHM130General, Organic & Biochemistry3
CHM130AGeneral, Organic & Biochemistry Lab1
CHM151General Chemistry I4
CHM152General Chemistry II4
CIS110Intro to Computers3
CIS115Introduction to Programming & Logic3
CJC111Intro to Criminal Justice3
CJC121Law Enforcement Operations3
COM120Intro to Interpersonal Communication3
COM140Intro to Intercultural Communication3
COM231Public Speaking3
CSC134C++ Programming3
CSC139Visual BASIC Programming3
CSC151JAVA Programming3
CTS115Info Sys Business Concepts3
ECO151Survey of Economics3
ECO251Principles of Microeconomics3
ECO252Principles of Macroeconomics3
EDU216Foundations in Education3
EGR150Intro to Engineering2
ENG114Professional Research and Reporting3
ENG125Creative Writing I3
ENG126Creative Writing II3
ENG231American Literature I3
ENG232American Literature II3
ENG241British Literature I3
ENG242British Literature II3
GER111Elementary German I3
GER112Elementary German II3
GER181German Lab I1
GER182German Lab II1
HEA110Personal Health / Wellness3
HIS111World Civilizations I3
HIS112World Civilizations II3
HIS121Western Civilization I 3
HIS122Western Civilization II3
HIS131American History I3
HIS132American History II 3
HUM110Technology and Society3
HUM115Critical Thinking 3
HUM121The Nature of America 3
HUM122Southern Culture3
HUM130Myth in Human Culture3
HUM160Introduction to Film3
HUM230Leadership Development3
MAT141Mathematical Concepts I3
MAT142Mathematical Concepts II3
MAT143Quantitative Literacy3
MAT152Statistical Methods I4
MAT171Precalculus Algebra 4
MAT172Precalculus Trigonometry4
MAT271Calculus I 4
MAT272Calculus II4
MAT273Calculus III4
MAT280Linear Algebra3
MUS110Music Appreciation3
MUS112Introduction to Jazz3
MUS133Band I1
MUS134Band II1
PED110*Fit and Well for Life2
PED111*Physical Fitness I 1
PED117*Weight Training I1
PED118*Weight Training II 1
PED122*Yoga I1
PED123*Yoga II1
PED137*Badminton 1
PED142*Lifetime Sports 2
PED143*Volleyball-Beginning 1
PED145*Basketball-Beginning 1
PED162*Angling 1
PED171*Nature Hiking1
PHI215Philosophical Issues3
PHI240Introduction to Ethics3
PHY110Conceptual Physics3
PHY110AConceptual Physics Lab1
PHY151College Physics I 4
PHY152College Physics II4
PHY251General Physics I4
PHY252General Physics II4
POL120American Government 3
PSY150General Psychology3
PSY215Positive Psychology3
PSY237Social Psychology3
PSY241Developmental Psychology 3
PSY275Health Psychology3
PSY281Abnormal Psychology3
REL111Eastern Religions3
REL112Western Religions3
SOC210Introduction to Sociology3
SOC213Sociology of the Family3
SOC220Social Problems3
SOC225Social Diversity3
SPA111Elementary Spanish I3
SPA112Elementary Spanish II3
SPA181Spanish Lab I 1
SPA182Spanish Lab II 1
SPA211Intermediate Spanish I 3
SPA212Intermediate Spanish II3
SPA221Spanish Conversation3

* Limited to 2 elective credit hours.

Students should check physical education/health and foreign language requirements at the university they plan to attend.  

If all requirements excluding electives, for the AA degree are met, the student has satisfied general education requirements for in-state public universities through the North Carolina Comprehensive Articulation Agreement. Consult with your advisor about courses directly applicable to your future major as you choose electives to complete the Associate in Arts degree.



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