Is your ultimate goal a four-year degree? If so, Southwestern is the ideal place to get started. Stay close to home, thrive in our smaller classes and save lots of money over your first two years. Most individuals who complete this degree will be juniors when they transfer into the degree pathway and university of their choice.
You'll take in a robust collection of English, Humanities, Social Sciences, Natural Science and Mathematics courses so that you can primarily focus on your major upon transferring.
There is virtually no limit to your career prospects upon transferring to the four-year university of your choice!
Click on title for course description. For your convenience, the following listing includes only credit hours for each course. For a comprehensive listing of classroom, lab and clinical hours for each course, click on this PDF.
English Composition | 6 |
Humanities/Fine Arts | 12 |
Social/Behavioral Science | 12 |
Natural Science | 8 |
Mathematics | 7 |
Other Required Hours | 15 |
TOTAL | 60 |
ENGLISH / COMPOSITION - Universal General Education Transfer Component (UGETC) - 6 Semester Hour Credits required
Prefix | No. | Title | Credit |
ENG | 111 | Writing & Inquiry | 3 |
ENG | 112 | Writing & Research in the Disciplines | 3 |
HUMANITIES / FINE ARTS - UGETC - 12 Semester Hours Credit required
Nine (9) credit hours from the following. Select from at least two different disciplines.
ART | 111 | Art Appreciation | 3 |
ART | 114 | Art History Survey I | 3 |
ART | 115 | Art History Survey II | 3 |
COM | 231 | Public Speaking | 3 |
ENG | 231 | American Literature I | 3 |
ENG | 232 | American Literature II | 3 |
ENG | 241 | British Literature I | 3 |
ENG | 242 | British Literature II | 3 |
MUS | 110 | Music Appreciation | 3 |
MUS | 112 | Introduction to Jazz | 3 |
PHI | 215 | Philosophical Issues | 3 |
PHI | 240 | Introduction to Ethics | 3 |
Choose 3 credits from previous humanities or the following: | |||
ASL | 111 | Elementary ASL I | 3 |
ASL | 112 | Elementary ASL II | 3 |
COM | 120 | Intro Interpersonal Communication | 3 |
COM | 140 | Intro to Intercultural Communication | 3 |
GER | 111 | Elementary German I | 3 |
GER | 112 | Elementary German II | 3 |
HUM | 110 | Technology and Society | 3 |
HUM | 115 | Critical Thinking | 3 |
HUM | 121 | The Nature of America | 3 |
HUM | 122 | Southern Culture | 3 |
HUM | 130 | Myth in Human Culture | 3 |
HUM | 160 | Introduction to Film | 3 |
REL | 111 | Eastern Religions | 3 |
REL | 112 | Western Religions | 3 |
SPA | 111 | Elementary Spanish I | 3 |
SPA | 112 | Elementary Spanish II | 3 |
SOCIAL / BEHAVIORAL SCIENCE - UGETC - 12 Semester Hour Credits required
Select nine (9) credit hours from at least two different disciplines:
ECO | 251 | Principles of Microeconomics | 3 |
ECO | 252 | Principles of Macroeconomics | 3 |
HIS | 111 | World Civilizations I | 3 |
HIS | 112 | World Civilizations II | 3 |
HIS | 131 | American History I | 3 |
HIS | 132 | American History II | 3 |
POL | 120 | American Government | 3 |
PSY | 150 | General Psychology | 3 |
SOC | 210 | Introduction to Sociology | 3 |
Choose 3 credits from previous Social Behavior Sciences or the following: | |||
HIS | 121 | Western Civilization I | 3 |
HIS | 122 | Western Civilization II | 3 |
PSY | 150 | General Psychology | 3 |
PSY | 237 | Social Psychology | 3 |
PSY | 241 | Developmental Psychology | 3 |
PSY | 281 | Abnormal Psychology | 3 |
SOC | 213 | Sociology of the Family | 3 |
SOC | 220 | Social Problems | 3 |
SOC | 225 | Social Diversity | 3 |
NATURAL SCIENCE - UGETC - (8) Semester Hour Credits required
Select 4 credit hours from the following:
AST | 111 | Descriptive Astronomy | 3 |
AST | 111A | Descriptive Astronomy Lab | 1 |
BIO | 110 | Principles of Biology* | 4 |
BIO | 111 | General Biology I* | 4 |
CHM | 151 | General Chemistry I | 4 |
PHY | 110 | Conceptual Physics | 3 |
PHY | 110A | Conceptual Physics Lab | 1 |
Choose 4 credits from the following: | |||
AST | 111 | Descriptive Astronomy | 3 |
AST | 111A | Descriptive Astronomy Lab | 1 |
BIO | 110 | Principles of Biology* | 4 |
BIO | 111 | General Biology I* | 4 |
BIO | 112 | General Biology II | 4 |
BIO | 120 | Introductory Botany | 4 |
BIO | 130 | Introductory Zoology | 4 |
BIO | 140 | Environmental Biology | 3 |
BIO | 140A | Environmental Biology Lab | 1 |
CHM | 152 | General Chemistry II | 4 |
PHY | 110 | Conceptual Physics | 3 |
PHY | 110A | Conceptual Physics Lab | 1 |
PHY | 151 | College Physics I | 4 |
*Students may not apply both BIO 110 and BIO 111 towards completion of Arts and Sciences Natural Science requirement.
Mathematics - UGETC - (7) Semester Hour Credits
MAT | 143 | Quantitative Literacy | 3 |
Choose 4 credits from the following: | |||
MAT | 152 | Statistical Methods I | 4 |
MAT | 171 | Precalculus Algebra | 4 |
MAT | 172 | Precalculus Trigonometry | 4 |
MAT | 271 | Calculus I | 4 |
Required Course: | |||
ACA | 122 | College Transfer Success | 1 |
Choose 14 Additional hours of transferrable courses focused on future major and closely related areas. Students should check physical education/health and foreign language requirements at the university they plan to attend.
ACC | 120 | Principles of Accounting I | 4 |
ACC | 121 | Principles of Accounting II | 4 |
ART | 111 | Art Appreciation | 3 |
ART | 114 | Art History Survey I | 3 |
ART | 115 | Art History Survey II | 3 |
ART | 121 | Two-Dimensional Design | 3 |
ART | 122 | Three-Dimensional Design | 3 |
ART | 131 | Drawing I | 3 |
ART | 132 | Drawing II | 3 |
ART | 214 | Portfolio & Resume | 1 |
ART | 240 | Painting I | 3 |
ART | 241 | Painting II | 3 |
ART | 264 | Digital Photography | 3 |
ART | 281 | Sculpture I | 3 |
ART | 282 | Sculpture II | 3 |
ART | 283 | Ceramics I | 3 |
ART | 284 | Ceramics II | 3 |
ART | 288 | Studio | 3 |
AST | 111 | Descriptive Astronomy | 3 |
AST | 111A | Descriptive Astronomy Lab | 1 |
BIO | 110 | Principles of Biology | 4 |
* Limited to 2 elective credit hours.
Students should check physical education/health and foreign language requirements at the university they plan to attend.
If all requirements excluding electives, for the AA degree are met, the student has satisfied general education requirements for in-state public universities through the North Carolina Comprehensive Articulation Agreement. Consult with your advisor about courses directly applicable to your future major as you choose electives to complete the Associate in Arts degree.