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The college is closed September 30 - October 4, 2024.

Skills to Succeed Academy & Work-Based Learning

SCC encourages students to seek experiential and/or work-based learning opportunities to gain and further develop specific career-related skills and transferable "soft" skills while engaged in gainful employment. Internships and Work-Based Learning opportunities are often posted on the SCC Job Board, and students can contact Career Services to learn about opportunities or create resumes for applications. Students can contact Work-Based Learning to see if they are eligible to earn WBL credit with their degree. All forms of Experiential Learning support PEAK and would fit well within most Five-Year Career Plans.


Career services also offers students access to two robust skills training platforms:

1. Accenture's Skills to Succeed Academy

Access Code: 04SWcs


2. North Carolina Community College System's Employability Skills Training in Moodle (watch video and see modules)


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