The code of student conduct is published in Policy 6.03.02: Standards of Student Conduct (link opens in a new window). Non-Academic Related Violations to the student code of conduct include:
- A. Theft and Property Damage
- B. Trespass
- C. Drugs and Alcohol
- D. Lewd and Indecent Behavior
- E. Mental/Physical Abuse
- F. Assault
- G. Domestic Violence
- H. Sexual Assault
- I. Sexual and Other Unlawful Harassment
- J. Dating Violence
- K. Stalking
- L. Communicating Threats
- M. Bullying
- N. Threats
- O. Disorderly Conduct and Disruption
- P. Possession of Weapons
- Q. Tampering with Fire Alarms
- R. Gambling
- S. Use of Tobacco
- T. Traffic Violations
If you have a concern that is not addressed in the code of conduct, you will want to seek counsel from your faculty support person, Career and College Promise Coach, department chair or academic dean.
Support for resolution of code of conduct violations traditionally begins by entering your concerns into the student concerns portal. For instructors teaching at a High School Partner site, faculty should report issues to their local principal as well.
If however you feel unsafe, or fear for the safety of students, you are welcome to dial 8-911 at anytime from a SCC site.
Specific guidelines for the timeline of the process and next steps are contained in the Discipline and Appeal Procedures for Non Academic Related Violations Procedure - (link opens in a new window).