To honor some of our most tenacious students, our Student Recognition Retention Action Team has started a “Student of the Week” award.
Faculty members nominate students based on their tenacity, and the team selects one per week.
Congratulations to Angela Beck, who's been named our "Student of the Week!"
Name: Angela Beck
Program: Business Administration
Graduation: December 2018
What motivates you to continue and excel at SCC in spite of circumstances you may face?
I am motivated to excel at SCC because of my family and my ten grandchildren. I started at SCC at the age of 48 to complete my GED. I completed my GED in 2013, then went on to graduate with my Associates Degree in Culinary Arts in 2016. I will be graduating with my Associates Degree in Business Administration in December of 2018. During these last 5 years at SCC I have learned a lot about myself, and I will not give up on my goals. I want to set an example for my grandchildren so they can be proud of the person I have become.
What advice would you give to future students who might face similar situations?
For all students I would say stay focused on your goals no matter what gets in the way, you must know that your education is very important. For all those students who are older going back to school, I want to tell you never give up on your dreams no matter how much life might get in the way, no matter what choices you have made in the past. You are here now, and your past does not define who you are now. It is never too late to fulfill your dreams and start again. The best way not to fail is to be determined to succeed.