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Tobacco-Free College Policy

Tobacco-Free College Policy


Food and beverages are normally prohibited in all classrooms, shops and laboratories for all students and staff. Food and beverages are permitted only in offices, dining rooms and designated break areas. In special circumstances, as deemed appropriate by the instructor, food and beverages may be permitted in classrooms. In these cases, the instructor is responsible for insuring the cleanliness of the area and protection of equipment.


The College is a tobacco-free campus. The use of tobacco-related products is prohibited in any College buildings, facilities, vehicles or property owned, leased or operated by the College, including all outside areas. Tobacco related products include, but are not limited to: cigarettes, cigars, pipe tobacco, smokeless tobacco and simulated tobacco products such as e-cigarettes. The sale or free distribution of tobacco products, including merchandise, is also prohibited. This Policy applies to all College and Early College employees, students, vendors, contractors and visitors.

Cross Reference: – Tobacco-Free Campus Procedures

Note: Tobacco Free Effective May 9, 2012

Adopted: February 2014

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