Employer Benefits
- Allows for careful pre-screening of trainees.
- Gain an edge in hiring.
- Increases productivity by freeing your staff for more creative work.
- Promotes positive public relations among the community, businesses and Southwestern Community College.
- Provides an excellent source of highly motivated employees.
- Provide valuable feedback to the college about the needs of your business/industry.
- Short-term commitment, usually one or two semesters.
Work Based Learning Employer Overview with Google Email Orientation
Employer Role
In order to partner with Southwestern Community College and host a WBL student, you must be willing to provide a student an opportunity to learn through the work he or she will do.
Prior to hosting a WBL student, you’ll need to:
- Have someone with the necessary subject matter expertise available to supervise the student
- Give a Google email that we can use for the Google Sheets communication
- Assist the student in job description and/or developing measurable learning objectives.
- Assure a safe and healthy working environment.
- Evaluate the student's progress.
- Help make the training an education experience.
- Inform the student of company expectations.
- Provide a minimum of at least 160, 320 or 480 hours of employment per semester depending on the WBL course credit assigned.
- Provide orientation regarding company rules and regulations.
- Adhere to the Fair Labor Standards Act.
During the semester you host a student, we’ll make at least one visit to your business to see how things are going. Twice during the experience we’ll ask you to complete online evaluations of your student.
Southwestern Community College students participate in WBL during our Fall semester (August through December) Spring semester (January through May) and Summer semester (May through July). The WBL office works with potential WBL students during the months leading up to the semester. Student resumes are generally available for partner sites to consider one to two months before the semester starts.
Work Hours
To earn one credit for WBL, a student must work 160 hours during our 16-week semester. For two credits, a student must work 320 hours. You and your student will set up a work schedule to accommodate both parties. WBL students typically work part time at their WBL jobs and continue to carry a full-time course load.
Paid and Non-Paid WBL / Internships
Compensation increases the likelihood that the student/employee will be assigned meaningful and productive tasks. For this reason, we strongly suggest that our students, who bring valuable skills to their jobs, be paid at a rate equal to the work provided. However, we do recognize that paid internships can create economic challenges for the employer or even preclude the company's ability to offer opportunities, therefore, both paid and non-paid internships are acceptable.
For more information contact the Work-Based Learning office at 828.339.4482.
Work Based Learning (WBL) Employer Google Sheets Orientation