Full-time staff earn vacation leave based on aggregate state service. Full-time curriculum faculty do not accrue vacation leave, but are provided semester breaks.
Years of Total State Service | Hours Granted Each Month | Hours Granted Each Year | Days Granted Each Year |
Less than 5 years | 9 hours 20 minutes | 112 | 14 |
5 but less than 10 years | 11 hours 20 minutes | 136 | 17 |
10 but less than 15 years | 13 hours 20 minutes | 160 | 20 |
15 but less than 20 years | 15 hours 20 minutes | 184 | 23 |
20 years or more | 17 hours 20 minutes | 208 | 26 |
Vacation leave is cumulative to a maximum of 240 hours as of June 30, at which time the excess is converted to sick leave.
See Vacation Leave Policy 4.02.04 - SCC Policies and Procedures Manual