Reasonable accommodations are designed to "level the playing field" by reducing the impact of one's disability on a task or activity. Such adjustments do not guarantee a student's success, but are intended to offer a fair and equal opportunity for success despite a student's particular disability. Accommodations apply to the following categories:
- Changes to a classroom environment or task that permit a student with a disability to participate in the educational process;
- Removal of architectural barriers;
- Modifications to policies, practices or procedures;
- Provision of auxiliary aids and services; and
- Other adaptations or modifications that enable a student to enjoy the benefits and privileges of the college's programs, services, and activities.
Depending on a student's disability-related needs for removing barriers in college classes or activities, one or more of the following accommodations may be approved (this list is not comprehensive):
Testing Accommodations
- extended time (typically time and a half)
- quiet, reduced-distraction setting
- private setting
- scribe or use of dictation software
- reader or use of document or screen reading technology
- use of a handheld basic function calculator
- use of spell-check technology
- alternate format (Braille, paper, digital, audio)
- no scantron
Alternate format materials
- handouts or textbooks in PDF, audio, or Braille
- extended time
- alternate format
- advance notice
- use of dictation software
Assistive Technology (For more information, see our Assistive Technology page) (opens in a new window)
Enlarged Print or Braille
Interpretive Services
- Sign Language Interpreters
- CART (Communication Access Real-Time Translation)
- AD (Audio Description)
- Note-taker
- Use of laptop, recorder, Smartpen, or camera
- Copy of instructor notes
Preferential Seating
Video Captioning
- A student with a documented disability, especially one related to a chronic health condition, may qualify for consideration in regard to class absences and/or tardiness.
- Such an accommodation is a request for flexibility in a faculty member’s course attendance policy.
- The amount of flexibility will depend on the nature of the class and whether class participation is a factor in the final grade.
- A student with a disability who is requesting attendance flexibility as an accommodation is ultimately responsible for completing all required coursework.
- An attendance accommodation does not allow a student to have excessive absences in any given course.
- In such cases, the student should consult with their instructor about options to withdraw from the course with a passing grade or to receive an incomplete grade where appropriate.
- The following six factors should be used in considering if attendance is an essential element of a course:
- What are the classroom practices and policies regarding attendance?
- What do the course description and syllabus say?
- To what degree does a student’s failure to attend constitute a significant loss to the educational experience of the other students in the course?
- Does the functional nature of the course rely on student participation as an essential method for learning?
- Do student contributions constitute a significant component of the learning process?
- Are there classroom interactions between the instructor and the students and among students?
For questions about accommodations, please contact the Student Accessibility Coordinator at or call 828.339.4326.