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Walking Trail

Encompassing our existing nature trail with newly added wooded sections linked up with more urban sidewalks, we have created a scenic 1.87 mile loop around campus for you to get out and enjoy. There are four trailheads at which to start, each with an informational kiosk and trail maps for you to use. These are located at the north corner of the Balsam Center, above the Library, at the water tower and on the road to the maintenance yard. Take a moment to orient yourself on the trail map and to read the rules of the trail. Feel free to bring friends and family to enjoy all or part of our scenic mountain campus. Parts of the trail are not available at this time due to the construction. 

Rules of the Trail

  • No alcohol or drug use on college property
  • Keep all pets on a leash
  • No bikes or other off-road vehicles
  • Please do not litter
  • Beware of animals and hazardous plants
  • Report any trail issues or problems to campus security
  • Wear appropriate footwear and clothing

There are many inherent risks to walking outside. The trail, by its very nature, is rugged. It includes steep sections and uneven surfaces that, at times, may be slippery. Use caution, some plants on the trail may be poisonous and may contain thorns or other hazards. Understand that parts of the trail are remote and that you are responsible for yourself and your own safety. You are advised to carry water and dress appropriately for diverse weather conditions. In the event of lightning or other severe weather, proceed to the nearest shelter or your vehicle.

Before beginning any new physical activity, you should contact a physician for advice as to your limitations. Start out slow and slowly increase your mileage in accordance to your physical condition. Remember it’s not the quantity of miles you do, it’s the fact you are getting outside and being active at any level that is encouraged and appreciated.

Some facts:

  • The nature trail section was first developed by the TREC club back in 1998-1999
  • The main work on re-establishing and expanding the trail occurred on constitution and citizenship day on Sept 16, 2005 with over 55 SCC students, employees and community members participating. 
  • The Outdoor Leadership Club completed the trail work, with help from SCC employees on October 20.
  • The trail is 1.87 miles long and 53 laps is roughly 100 miles.

Make sure you download and take a look at the Walking Trail Map which is attached to the bottom of this page as a PDF.  Click on the link to download and view.

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